Privacy and Marketing Policy

  • Generally

  • Personal data management

  • When do we process your personal data?

  • What personal data do we process?

  • Why do we process information about you?

  • Legal basis for handling your personal data

  • Completion of our processing of personal data

  • Profiling

  • How long do we store information about you?

  • Who do we share your personal information with?

  • Changes in the integrity policy

  • Protection of your personal data

  • Your rights

  • Cookies

  • Contact information

1. General

This policy deals with privacy and marketing ("Integrity Policy") and explains how Relode ABRelode AB, orgnr. 559003-3147. Kastanjealén 1, 302 32 Halmstad,

e-mail: ("Relode AB", "we") collects, uses, shares and stores your personal data.

1.1 The privacy policy applies when Relode AB provides services and products in connection with purchases, service delivery or other contact with Relode AB, including visitors to the website. The integrity policy also applies to all handling of personal data that is done within the framework for Internet subscriptions from Sverige.Net ("Subscriber").

1.2 You must always feel safe when you share your personal information with us. In this Privacy Policy, we therefore want to show you how we ensure that your personal data is handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

2. Personal data management

Relode AB is responsible for your personal data for Relode AB's handling of your personal data and is also responsible for this handling taking place in accordance with applicable laws. Relode AB is also responsible for handling personal data within the framework that includes everyone with Relode AB accounts.

3. When do we process your personal data?

3.1 In order for you to visit our website, purchase goods and services or contact us for services and information, we must collect and process personal data about you.

3.2 Relode AB collects and handles personal information about you when you make a purchase on Relode AB's website, use Relode AB's customer service, visit Relode AB's website or otherwise have contact with Relode AB. The information that is collected about you when you buy is required for you to enter into an agreement with Relode AB and for RElode AB to be able to provide services and offers.

3.4 We also collect and update your address information via third party address update services.

4. What personal data do we process about you?

4.1 The personal information that Relode AB collects and handles about you as a customer who has made a purchase or uses our customer service is: Name, social security number, address, telephone number and e-mail, Payment details, customer number, IP address and information about how you uses Relode AB's website.

5. Why we handle data about you?

5.1 If you are a customer of Relode AB, Relode AB handles your personal data for several reasons. Relode AB primarily handles your data to: Fulfill our obligations to you as a customer, such as your ability to purchase, invoice and take part in customer service; Provide general customer support and services such as answering questions and correcting incorrect information; Provide information and direct marketing via post, e-mail, SMS/MMS and telephone regarding Relode AB and selected partners' goods and services; Manage customer relationships and provide our services; Provide relevant information and customized offers in newsletters and on the web; Evaluate which payment methods we can offer you, for example by credit rating; Improve our customer offerings such as developing services, products and features; Countering fraud and evaluating risks; and to Comply with applicable laws, such as auditing and data protection laws. The information can also lay the foundation for market and customer analyses, market research, statistics, business expansion and business and method development linked to the purchase of services and goods.

5.2 We value your privacy and the information you agree to share in relation to our SMS marketing service. We use this information to send you text messages (for your order, including abandoned checkout reminders), text-based market offers and transactional messages, including requests for reviews from us.

Text messaging opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties other than messaging partners, to enable and operate our text messaging program.

5.3 Our website uses cookies to keep track of the items you put in your shopping cart, including when you have abandoned your checkout. This information is used to decide when we should send reminder messages about the shopping cart via SMS, mail & Retargeting ads via Google & Meta.

We and our advertising partners use cookies and your personal data for customized and non-customized ads via Google, Meta Ads (formerly facebook ads) & Tiktok ads.

- Read how Google handles your personal data here

- Read about how Meta handles your personal data here

- Read about how Tiktok handles your personal data here

6. Legal basis for handling your personal data

6.1 Relode AB bases the handling of your personal data on several legal grounds. These grounds are explained in the following section.

6.2 We handle your personal data to fulfill our obligations towards you as a customer or Subscriber such as making bookings, purchases and to fulfill our obligations towards you as an Account Holder, including simpler administration and order history. Supported by legal grounds, we also handle information about you as a Subscriber such as your purchases, your behavior on the website, your interactions with Relode AB and your interest in our offers and products in order to fulfill our commitment to offer you personalized offers.

6.3 Part of the handling of your personal data is based on a so-called balance of interests. This applies, for example, to the handling required for us to be able to send you offers about our merchandise and services as well as to make limited divisions of customers, e.g. based on total amount you spend. Relode AB does not handle sensitive personal data with the support of the balance of interests, nor does it carry out processing to create profiling.

6.4 In some cases, Relode AB may have legal requirements to handle your personal data. This applies, for example, to the handling of personal data carried out in order to comply with the Accounting Act.

7. Summary of our personal data management


Legal basis

Categories of personal data

Storage period

For administration, development and delivery of goods and services as well as customer service

Completion of purchase agreement (purchase conditions)

· Name, address, telephone number, e-mail

· Geographic information

· IP address, device information and logs

Two years after you were last active at Relode AB by, for example, shopping from us or contacting our customer service

To ensure that we live up to legal requirements, including the Accounting Act

Legal requirement

· Name, address, telephone number, e-mail

· Geographic information

· IP address, device information and logs

As long as applicable laws require us to store the data

To market Relode AB and our partners' or sister companies' goods and services via post, e-mail, telephone and SMS/MMS

Balance of interests

· Name, address, telephone number, e-mail

· Geographic information

· IP address, device information and logs

Two years after you were last active at Relode AB by, for example, shopping from us or contacting our customer service

You can contact us at any time if you want to access or delete your personal information.

Company Information:

Relode AB

Slottsmöllan 7A

302 45 Halmstad

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